Class CommandFailedException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ExitCodeException

public class CommandFailedException extends Exception implements ExitCodeException
CommandFailedException is thrown any time a command did not succeed. If it did not succeed due to normal and expected reasons, mark it as expected=true. If the CommandFailedException is marked as expected=false, the code calling the command may want to do additional logging or handling of the exception because it knows the command was surprised by the result.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandFailedException

      public CommandFailedException(CommandResults results, int exitCode, String message, boolean expected)
  • Method Details

    • getResults

      public CommandResults getResults()
    • getExitCode

      public Integer getExitCode()
      Specified by:
      getExitCode in interface ExitCodeException
    • isExpected

      public boolean isExpected()
      In certain circumstances, this exception is thrown solely to set the exit code of a command's execution, in which case, the exception is expected. In these cases, Liquibase does not print the stacktrace of the exception to the logs, and isExpected returns true.