Class DatabaseList


public class DatabaseList extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabaseList

      public DatabaseList()
  • Method Details

    • definitionMatches

      public static boolean definitionMatches(String definition, String databaseShortName, boolean returnValueIfEmpty)
      Compares a given database to a database definition string.

      Definition syntax: Comma separated list of database shortNames. Doesn't matter if it includes spaces. Can exclude a database by prepending its name with a '!'. The string "all" will match all databases. The string "none" will match no databases, even if others are listed. If an empty or null definition or null is passed, it will return the passed returnValueIfEmpty value.
    • definitionMatches

      public static boolean definitionMatches(String definition, Database database, boolean returnValueIfEmpty)
    • definitionMatches

      public static boolean definitionMatches(Collection<String> definition, String databaseShortName, boolean returnValueIfEmptyList)
      Same logic as definitionMatches(String, liquibase.database.Database, boolean) but with a collection of definitions rather than a comma separated list.
    • definitionMatches

      public static boolean definitionMatches(Collection<String> definition, Database database, boolean returnValueIfEmptyList)
    • toDbmsSet

      public static Set<String> toDbmsSet(String dbmsList)
    • validateDefinitions

      public static void validateDefinitions(String definition, ValidationErrors vErrors)
      This method will validate whether a dbms (optional: comma separated list) is valid and match with supported database, if it doesn't then will add a validation error for it.
      definition -
      vErrors -
    • validateDefinitions

      public static void validateDefinitions(Collection<String> definitions, ValidationErrors vErrors)
      This method will validate if a set of definitions/dbms are valid supported DBs.
      definitions -
      vErrors -