Class TimestampType

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TimestampType extends DateTimeType
Data type support for TIMESTAMP data types in various DBMS. All DBMS are at least expected to support the year, month, day, hour, minute and second parts. Optionally, fractional seconds and time zone information can be specified as well.
  • Constructor Details

    • TimestampType

      public TimestampType()
  • Method Details

    • toDatabaseDataType

      public DatabaseDataType toDatabaseDataType(Database database)
      Returns a DBMS-specific String representation of this TimestampType for use in SQL statements.
      toDatabaseDataType in class DateTimeType
      database - the database for which the String must be generated
      a String with the DBMS-specific type specification
    • getLoadTypeName

      public LoadDataChange.LOAD_DATA_TYPE getLoadTypeName()
      Description copied from class: LiquibaseDataType
      Returns one of the four basic data types for use in LoadData: BOOLEAN, NUMERIC, DATE or STRING
      getLoadTypeName in class DateTimeType
      one of the above Strings