Interface MdcManager

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@Beta public interface MdcManager extends Plugin
  • Method Details

    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, String value)
      Puts a context value (the value parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, String value, boolean removeWhenScopeExits)
      Puts a context value (the value parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
      removeWhenScopeExits - if true, this key value pair will be automatically removed from the MDC when this scope exits. If there is not a demonstrable reason for setting this parameter to false then it should be set to true.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, Map<String,Object> values)
      Puts a context value (the values parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, Map<String,Object> values, boolean removeWhenScopeExits)
      Puts a context value (the values parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
      removeWhenScopeExits - if true, this key value pair will be automatically removed from the MDC when this scope exits. If there is not a demonstrable reason for setting this parameter to false then it should be set to true.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, List<? extends CustomMdcObject> values)
      Puts a context value (the values parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, CustomMdcObject customMdcObject)
      Puts a context value (the customMdcObject parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
    • put

      @Beta MdcObject put(String key, CustomMdcObject customMdcObject, boolean removeWhenScopeExits)
      Puts a context value (the customMdcObject parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the MDC. The caller is responsible for cleaning up this entry at an appropriate time.
      removeWhenScopeExits - if true, this key value pair will be automatically removed from the MDC when this scope exits. If there is not a demonstrable reason for setting this parameter to false then it should be set to true.
    • remove

      @Beta void remove(String key)
      Removes the context value identified by the key parameter.
    • clear

      @Beta void clear()
      Clear the MDC.
    • getPriority

      @Beta int getPriority()
    • getAll

      @Beta Map<String,Object> getAll()