Class CommentGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
PrioritizedService, SqlGenerator<CommentStatement>

public class CommentGenerator extends AbstractSqlGenerator<CommentStatement>
  • Constructor Details

    • CommentGenerator

      public CommentGenerator()
  • Method Details

    • generateSql

      public Sql[] generateSql(CommentStatement comment, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain)
      Description copied from interface: SqlGenerator
      Generate the actual Sql for the given statement and database.
    • validate

      public ValidationErrors validate(CommentStatement comment, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain)
      Description copied from interface: SqlGenerator
      Validate the data contained in the SqlStatement. If there are no errors, return an empty ValidationErrors object, not a null value. Liquibase will inspect the ValidationErrors result before attempting to call generateSql.