Class LiquibaseChecksRunMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

public class LiquibaseChecksRunMojo extends AbstractLiquibaseChecksMojo
Check the changelog for issues
  • Field Details

    • changeLogFile

      @PropertyElement protected String changeLogFile
      Specifies the changelog file for Liquibase Policy Checks to use.
    • format

      @PropertyElement protected String format
      Specifies the format file for Liquibase Policy Checks to use. If not specified, the default format will be used.
    • checksScope

      @PropertyElement protected String checksScope
      The Liquibase component to run checks against, which can be a comma separated list
    • autoUpdate

      @PropertyElement protected String autoUpdate
      Allows automatic backup and updating of liquibase.checks.conf file when new policy checks are available. Options: [on|off]
    • checkName

      @PropertyElement protected String checkName
      Comma-separated list of one or more enabled checks to run. If not specified, all enabled checks will run. Example: --check-name=shortname1,shortname2,shortname3
    • schemas

      @PropertyElement protected String schemas
      The schemas to snapshot
    • driverPropertiesFile

      @PropertyElement protected String driverPropertiesFile
      The JDBC driver properties file
    • outputFile

      @PropertyElement protected File outputFile
    • sqlParserExceptionLogAtLevel

      @PropertyElement protected String sqlParserExceptionLogAtLevel
  • Constructor Details

    • LiquibaseChecksRunMojo

      public LiquibaseChecksRunMojo()
  • Method Details