Class LiquibaseRollbackOneChangeSetMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

public class LiquibaseRollbackOneChangeSetMojo extends AbstractLiquibaseChangeLogMojo
Reverts (rolls back) one non-sequential changeSet made during a previous change to your database. It is only available for Liquibase Pro users.
  • Field Details

    • changeSetId

      @PropertyElement protected String changeSetId
      The changeset ID to rollback
    • changeSetAuthor

      @PropertyElement protected String changeSetAuthor
      Specifies the author of the changeSet you want to rollback.
    • changeSetPath

      @PropertyElement protected String changeSetPath
      Specifies the path to the changelog which contains the change-set you want to rollback.
    • force

      @PropertyElement protected String force
      A required flag which indicates you intend to run rollbackOneChangeSet
    • rollbackScript

      @PropertyElement protected String rollbackScript
      Specifies the path to a rollback script
  • Constructor Details

    • LiquibaseRollbackOneChangeSetMojo

      public LiquibaseRollbackOneChangeSetMojo()
  • Method Details