Class ConstraintsConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConstraintsConfig extends AbstractLiquibaseSerializable
The standard configuration used by Change classes to represent a constraints on a column.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConstraintsConfig

      public ConstraintsConfig()
  • Method Details

    • isNullable

      public Boolean isNullable()
      Returns if the column should be nullable. Returns null if unspecified.
    • setNullable

      public ConstraintsConfig setNullable(Boolean nullable)
    • setNullable

      public ConstraintsConfig setNullable(String nullable)
      Set the nullable parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • getNotNullConstraintName

      public String getNotNullConstraintName()
      If isNullable() is 'false' and database supports named not null constraints
      not null constraint name
      See Also:
    • setNotNullConstraintName

      public ConstraintsConfig setNotNullConstraintName(String notNullConstraintName)
    • isPrimaryKey

      public Boolean isPrimaryKey()
      Returns true if the column should be part of the primary key. Returns null if unspecified
    • setPrimaryKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setPrimaryKey(Boolean primaryKey)
    • setPrimaryKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setPrimaryKey(String primaryKey)
      Set the primaryKey parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • getPrimaryKeyName

      public String getPrimaryKeyName()
      Returns the name to use for the primary key constraint. Returns null if not specified
    • setPrimaryKeyName

      public ConstraintsConfig setPrimaryKeyName(String primaryKeyName)
    • getReferences

      public String getReferences()
      Returns the "references" clause to use for the foreign key. Normally a string of the format TABLE(COLUMN_NAME). Returns null if not specified
    • setReferences

      public ConstraintsConfig setReferences(String references)
    • isUnique

      public Boolean isUnique()
      Returns if the column is part of a unique constraint. Returns null if not specified
    • setUnique

      public ConstraintsConfig setUnique(Boolean unique)
    • setUnique

      public ConstraintsConfig setUnique(String unique)
      Set the unique parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • getUniqueConstraintName

      public String getUniqueConstraintName()
      Returns the name to use for the unique constraint. Returns null if not specified
    • setUniqueConstraintName

      public ConstraintsConfig setUniqueConstraintName(String uniqueConstraintName)
    • getCheckConstraint

      public String getCheckConstraint()
      Returns the check constraint to use on this column. Returns null if not specified
    • setCheckConstraint

      public ConstraintsConfig setCheckConstraint(String checkConstraint)
    • isDeleteCascade

      public Boolean isDeleteCascade()
      Returns if a foreign key defined for this column should cascade deletes. Returns null if not specified.
    • setDeleteCascade

      public ConstraintsConfig setDeleteCascade(Boolean deleteCascade)
    • setDeleteCascade

      public ConstraintsConfig setDeleteCascade(String deleteCascade)
      Set the deleteCascade parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • getForeignKeyName

      public String getForeignKeyName()
      Returns the name to use for the columns foreign key constraint. Returns null if not specified.
    • setForeignKeyName

      public ConstraintsConfig setForeignKeyName(String foreignKeyName)
    • isInitiallyDeferred

      public Boolean isInitiallyDeferred()
      Returns if a foreign key defined for this column should be "initially deferred". Returns null if not specified.
    • setInitiallyDeferred

      public ConstraintsConfig setInitiallyDeferred(Boolean initiallyDeferred)
    • setInitiallyDeferred

      public ConstraintsConfig setInitiallyDeferred(String initiallyDeferred)
      Set the initiallyDeferred parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • isDeferrable

      public Boolean isDeferrable()
      Returns if a foreign key defined for this column should deferrable. Returns null if not specified.
    • setDeferrable

      public ConstraintsConfig setDeferrable(Boolean deferrable)
    • setValidateNullable

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateNullable(String validateNullable)
      Set the validateNullable field based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if an invalid value is passed
    • getValidateNullable

      public Boolean getValidateNullable()
      Returns whether a NotNullConst defined for this column should validate. Returns null if not setValidateNullable has not been called.
    • setValidateNullable

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateNullable(Boolean validateNullable)
    • setValidateUnique

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateUnique(String validateUnique)
      Set the validateUnique field based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if an invalid value is passed
    • getValidateUnique

      public Boolean getValidateUnique()
      Returns whether a UniqueConst defined for this column should validate. Returns null if not setValidateUnique has not been called.
    • setValidateUnique

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateUnique(Boolean validateUnique)
    • setValidatePrimaryKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidatePrimaryKey(String validatePrimaryKey)
      Set the validatePrimaryKey field based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if an invalid value is passed
    • getValidatePrimaryKey

      public Boolean getValidatePrimaryKey()
      Returns whether a PrimaryKeyConst defined for this column should validate. Returns null if not setValidatePrimaryKey has not been called.
    • setValidatePrimaryKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidatePrimaryKey(Boolean validatePrimaryKey)
    • setValidateForeignKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateForeignKey(String validateForeignKey)
      Set the validateForeignKey field based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if an invalid value is passed
    • getValidateForeignKey

      public Boolean getValidateForeignKey()
      Returns whether a ForeignKeyConst defined for this column should validate. Returns null if not setValidateForeignKey has not been called.
    • setValidateForeignKey

      public ConstraintsConfig setValidateForeignKey(Boolean validateForeignKey)
    • setDeferrable

      public ConstraintsConfig setDeferrable(String deferrable)
      Set the deferrable parameter based on the passed string. Sets true if the passed string is 1 or true or TRUE. Sets false if the passed string is 0 or false or FALSE. Sets null if the passed string is null or "null" or "NULL". Throws an UnexpectedLiquibaseException if a different value is passed
    • getPrimaryKeyTablespace

      public String getPrimaryKeyTablespace()
      Returns the tablespace to use for the defined primary key. Returns null if not specified.
    • setPrimaryKeyTablespace

      public ConstraintsConfig setPrimaryKeyTablespace(String primaryKeyTablespace)
    • getSerializedObjectName

      public String getSerializedObjectName()
    • getSerializedObjectNamespace

      public String getSerializedObjectNamespace()
    • load

      public void load(ParsedNode parsedNode, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException
      Specified by:
      load in interface LiquibaseSerializable
      load in class AbstractLiquibaseSerializable