Class DataTypeFactory


public class DataTypeFactory extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DataTypeFactory

      protected DataTypeFactory()
      Build the factory registry from all classes in the classpath that implement LiquibaseDataType
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static DataTypeFactory getInstance()
      Get this factory singleton
      a reference to this factory
    • reset

      public static void reset()
      Discards the active factory and creates a new singleton instance.
    • register

      public void register(LiquibaseDataType type)
      Registers an implementation of LiquibaseDataType with both its name and all aliases for the data type as a handler in the factory's registry. Classes implement the LiquibaseDataType.getPriority(), which will cause the class with the highest priority to become the primary handler for the data type.
      type - the implementation to register
    • unregister

      public void unregister(String name)
      name -
    • fromDescription

      public LiquibaseDataType fromDescription(String dataTypeDefinition, Database database)
      Translates a column data type definition (e.g. varchar(255), java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR(10), VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)... ) into a normalized data type in object form. Note that, due to variety of allowed ways to specify a data type (SQL-Standard, Java type, native RDBMS type...), the dataTypeDefinition we receive for processing may already be the native type for the target RDBMS.
      dataTypeDefinition - the definition from the changeSet
      database - the Database object from for which the native definition is to be generated
      the corresponding Liquibase data type in object form.
    • fromObject

      public LiquibaseDataType fromObject(Object object, Database database)
    • from

      public LiquibaseDataType from(DataType type, Database database)
    • from

      public LiquibaseDataType from(DatabaseDataType type, Database database)
    • getTrueBooleanValue

      public String getTrueBooleanValue(Database database)
    • getFalseBooleanValue

      public String getFalseBooleanValue(Database database)