Class AddUniqueConstraintStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddUniqueConstraintStatement extends AbstractSqlStatement
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getColumnNames

      public String getColumnNames()
    • setTablespace

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setTablespace(String tablespace)
    • setDeferrable

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setDeferrable(boolean deferrable)
    • setInitiallyDeferred

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setInitiallyDeferred(boolean initiallyDeferred)
    • setDisabled

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    • setClustered

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setClustered(boolean clustered)
    • shouldValidate

      public boolean shouldValidate()
      In Oracle PL/SQL, the VALIDATE keyword defines whether a newly added unique constraint on a column in a table should cause existing rows to be checked to see if they satisfy the uniqueness constraint or not.
      true if ENABLE VALIDATE (this is the default), or false if ENABLE NOVALIDATE.
    • setShouldValidate

      public AddUniqueConstraintStatement setShouldValidate(boolean shouldValidate)
      shouldValidate - - if shouldValidate is set to FALSE then the constraint will be created with the 'ENABLE NOVALIDATE' mode. This means the constraint would be created, but that no check will be done to ensure old data has valid constraints - only new data would be checked to see if it complies with the constraint logic. The default state for unique constraints is to have 'ENABLE VALIDATE' set.
    • getTableName

      public String getTableName()
    • getSchemaName

      public String getSchemaName()
    • getCatalogName

      public String getCatalogName()