Class DropIndexChange

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Change, ExtensibleObject, Plugin, LiquibaseSerializable

public class DropIndexChange extends AbstractChange
Drops an existing index.
  • Constructor Details

    • DropIndexChange

      public DropIndexChange()
  • Method Details

    • getSchemaName

      public String getSchemaName()
    • getIndexName

      public String getIndexName()
    • getTableName

      public String getTableName()
    • generateStatements

      public SqlStatement[] generateStatements(Database database)
      Description copied from interface: Change
      Generates the SqlStatement objects required to run the change for the given database.

      NOTE: This method may be called multiple times throughout the changelog execution process and may be called in documentation generation and other integration points as well.

      If this method reads from the current database state or uses any other logic that will be affected by whether previous changeSets have ran or not, you must return true from Change.generateStatementsVolatile(liquibase.database.Database).
    • checkStatus

      public ChangeStatus checkStatus(Database database)
      Description copied from interface: Change
      Validate that this change executed successfully against the given database. This will check that the update completed at a high level plus check details of the change. For example, a change to add a column will check that the column exists plus data type, default values, etc.
      Specified by:
      checkStatus in interface Change
      checkStatus in class AbstractChange
    • getConfirmationMessage

      public String getConfirmationMessage()
      Description copied from interface: Change
      Confirmation message to be displayed after the change is executed. Should include relevant configuration settings to make it as helpful as possible. This method may be called outside the changelog execution process, such as in documentation generation.
    • getAssociatedWith

      public String getAssociatedWith()
    • getCatalogName

      public String getCatalogName()
    • getSerializedObjectNamespace

      public String getSerializedObjectNamespace()
      Specified by:
      getSerializedObjectNamespace in interface LiquibaseSerializable
      getSerializedObjectNamespace in class AbstractChange