Interface Change

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ExtensibleObject, LiquibaseSerializable, Plugin
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractChange, AbstractModifyDataChange, AbstractSQLChange, AbstractTableChange, AddAutoIncrementChange, AddColumnChange, AddDefaultValueChange, AddForeignKeyConstraintChange, AddLookupTableChange, AddNotNullConstraintChange, AddPrimaryKeyChange, AddUniqueConstraintChange, AlterSequenceChange, CreateIndexChange, CreateProcedureChange, CreateSequenceChange, CreateTableChange, CreateViewChange, CustomChangeWrapper, DeleteDataChange, DropAllForeignKeyConstraintsChange, DropColumnChange, DropDefaultValueChange, DropForeignKeyConstraintChange, DropIndexChange, DropNotNullConstraintChange, DropPrimaryKeyChange, DropProcedureChange, DropSequenceChange, DropTableChange, DropUniqueConstraintChange, DropViewChange, EmptyChange, ExecuteShellCommandChange, InsertDataChange, LoadDataChange, LoadUpdateDataChange, MergeColumnChange, ModifyDataTypeChange, OutputChange, RawSQLChange, RenameColumnChange, RenameSequenceChange, RenameTableChange, RenameViewChange, SetColumnRemarksChange, SetTableRemarksChange, SQLFileChange, StopChange, TagDatabaseChange, UpdateDataChange

public interface Change extends LiquibaseSerializable, Plugin, ExtensibleObject
Interface all changes (refactorings) implement.

Instances of these objects are normally created via the ChangeFactory by ChangeLogParser implementations.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • finishInitialization

      void finishInitialization() throws SetupException
      This method will be called by the changelog parsing process after all of the properties have been set to allow the task to do any additional initialization logic.
    • createChangeMetaData

      ChangeMetaData createChangeMetaData()
    • getChangeSet

      ChangeSet getChangeSet()
      Returns the changeSet this Change is part of. Will return null if this instance was not constructed as part of a changelog file.
    • setChangeSet

      void setChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet)
      Sets the changeSet this Change is a part of. Called automatically by Liquibase during the changelog parsing process.
    • setResourceAccessor

      @Deprecated void setResourceAccessor(ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor)
      this is now set via Scope
      Sets the ResourceAccessor that should be used for any file and/or resource loading needed by this Change. Called automatically by Liquibase during the changelog parsing process.
    • supports

      boolean supports(Database database)
      Return true if this Change object supports the passed database. Used by the ChangeLog parsing process.
    • warn

      Warnings warn(Database database)
      Generates warnings based on the configured Change instance. Warnings do not stop changelog execution, but are passed along to the end user for reference. Can return null or an empty Warnings object when there are no warnings.
    • validate

      ValidationErrors validate(Database database)
      Generate errors based on the configured Change instance. If there are any validation errors, changelog processing will normally not occur. Can return null or empty ValidationErrors object when there are no errors.
    • getAffectedDatabaseObjects

      Set<DatabaseObject> getAffectedDatabaseObjects(Database database)
      Returns example DatabaseObject instances describing the objects affected by this change. This method is not called during the normal execution of a changelog, but can be used as metadata for documentation or other integrations.
    • generateCheckSum

      CheckSum generateCheckSum()
      Calculates the checksum of this Change based on the current configuration. The checksum should take into account all settings that would impact what actually happens to the database and NOT include any settings that do not impact the actual execution of the change.
    • getConfirmationMessage

      String getConfirmationMessage()
      Confirmation message to be displayed after the change is executed. Should include relevant configuration settings to make it as helpful as possible. This method may be called outside the changelog execution process, such as in documentation generation.
    • generateStatements

      SqlStatement[] generateStatements(Database database)
      Generates the SqlStatement objects required to run the change for the given database.

      NOTE: This method may be called multiple times throughout the changelog execution process and may be called in documentation generation and other integration points as well.

      If this method reads from the current database state or uses any other logic that will be affected by whether previous changeSets have ran or not, you must return true from generateStatementsVolatile(liquibase.database.Database).
    • generateStatementsVolatile

      boolean generateStatementsVolatile(Database database)
      Returns true if this change reads data from the database or other sources that would change during the course of an update in the generateStatements(Database) method. If true, this change cannot be used in an updateSql-style commands because Liquibase cannot know the SqlStatement objects until all changeSets prior have been actually executed.
    • supportsRollback

      boolean supportsRollback(Database database)
      Returns true if this can change be rolled back for the given database.
    • generateRollbackStatements

      SqlStatement[] generateRollbackStatements(Database database) throws RollbackImpossibleException
      Generates the SqlStatement objects that would roll back the change.

      NOTE: This method may be called multiple times throughout the changelog execution process and may be called in documentation generation and other integration points as well.

      If this method reads from the current database state or uses any other logic that will be affected by whether previous changeSets have been rolled back or not, you must return true from generateRollbackStatementsVolatile(liquibase.database.Database).
      RollbackImpossibleException - if rollback is not supported for this change
    • generateRollbackStatementsVolatile

      boolean generateRollbackStatementsVolatile(Database database)
      Returns true if this change reads data from the database or other sources that would change during the course of an update in the generateRollbackStatements(Database) method. If true, this change cannot be used in an updateSql-style commands because Liquibase cannot know the SqlStatement objects until all changeSets prior have been actually executed.
    • checkStatus

      ChangeStatus checkStatus(Database database)
      Validate that this change executed successfully against the given database. This will check that the update completed at a high level plus check details of the change. For example, a change to add a column will check that the column exists plus data type, default values, etc.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Short, scannable description for the DATABASECHANGELOG.DESCRIPTION column
    • modify

      void modify(ChangeVisitor changeVisitor) throws ParsedNodeException
      changeVisitor -
      ParsedNodeException - if there is an error processing ChangeVisitor