Interface ShowSummaryGenerator

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public interface ShowSummaryGenerator extends Plugin
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      int getPriority()
      This method returns a priority value for an implementation. Liquibase uses this to determine which LicenseService is currently in use. There can only be a single LicenseService used at a time, and the highest priority implementation wins.
    • getAllAdditionalChangeSetStatus

      List<ChangeSetStatus> getAllAdditionalChangeSetStatus(ChangeLogIterator runChangeLogIterator)
      Get all additional change set statuses that should be reported in the show summary verbose output.
    • appendAdditionalSummaryMessages

      void appendAdditionalSummaryMessages(StringBuilder builder, ChangeLogIterator runChangeLogIterator)
      Append any additional summary messages that shuold be reported in the show summary output.